Friday, April 21, 2017

B2B enterprise on Long Tale Theory: Selling Less of More

The conceptualization of Chris Anderson on the theory of Long Tale concept affecting the online marketing setup transcends to the analysis as to can the theory affect in B2B Enterprise system.  As Anderson’s idea that online channels will change the behaviour of the demand curve because certain customers will niche their needs according to their preferences. Some of the B2C products that we can give as an example are the digitized products such as music, videos, and ebooks.   Companies like Amazon, Apple, & Ebay are experiencing the benefit of the profit advantage created from the concept of Long Tail Theory of Chris Anderson.

In my actual research gathering in the effectiveness of Human Resource in Marketing, the product along the supply chain operation affecting the modern marketing science shows the similarities of the market behaviour of Long Tail Theory.  Human Resource of today for example, needs the added knowledge in e-marketing if the resource is majoring his/her skill in marketing.  If eventually AI and robotics will be embraced by the modern B2B enterprise of today the slack between the HR knowledge and the modern machines that are being used to maximize time and profit inside the production line will give an enormous variance between HR knowledge and enterprise operation. Thus, the use of computer aided marketing technology will further benefit the enterprise as to the theoretical behaviour of the Long-Tail Theory, but on the other hand HR knowledge and skills should catch-up to the increasing demand of technology advancements and upgrades.     

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